Sheena Black, MDOrthopaedic SurgeonSports Medicine Specialist
For appointments, please call (469) 800-7200 Be sure to specify you are requesting an appointment to see Dr. Black.
If you have more specific questions, please call Dr. Black's medical assistant at (469) 800-7351. If you are required to leave a voicemail, your call will be returned within one business day.
We are happy to hear from you. Please contact us using the information below
Sheena Black, MD
Orthopaedic Associates of Dallas
Phone: (469) 800-7200
If we are unable to answer your call immediately, please leave a message. Phone calls are returned within one business day.
Fax: (469) 800-7210
Office Locations
3800 Gaylord Parkway
Suite 810
Frisco, TX 75034
- (469) 800-7200
- (469) 800-7210
- Driving directions
5220 W. University Drive
Physician Office Building 2, Suite 300
McKinney, TX 75071
- (469) 800-7200
- (469) 800-7210
- Driving directions
Surgery Locations
3800 Gaylord Parkway
Suite 410
Frisco, TX 75034
- (972) 668-5911
- (972) 668-5922
- Driving directions
5252 W University
Dr. McKinney,
TX 75071
- (469) 800-7200
- (469) 800-7210
- Driving directions
Please arrive 10-15 minutes early for your appointment for registration and to fill in a health questionnaire.
When you come for your appointments, please remember to bring the following
- Arrive 10 to 15 Minutes early to be registered.
- Bring your insurance card or insurance information.
- It is also recommended to have a list of questions ready for Dr. Black and his team as well as a list of symptoms that you have been experiencing.
Very often during the course of your evaluation or treatment for an orthopedic condition we will require x-rays to determine the cause of a problem or to evaluate your progress.
To Cancel an appointment:
Telephone the office during business hours. Please cancel at least 1 day ahead so that your appointment time can be allocated to another patient who is seeking treatment.
We recognise that your time is valuable, and we make every effort to run on time. Occasionally emergencies or patients require a little more time, and these cause scheduling delays beyond our control. We apologise if we keep you waiting.